'It is fair to say that every story I saw had something great about it, and I could see why they'd been shortlisted.’ Judge, Vanessa Gebbie
Strata is Chalk Circle's first venture into microfiction, short works of 350 words or
less, reflecting the variety of styles and interests within the group.
Find out more about the authors
Read extracts from their stories
Last copies at £6.00 inc P&P now
available from our online shop
Many congratulations to the winners and runners up in our Short Story Competition 2020.
Meet the Winners and Read our Judge's Report.
The three winning stories are available to read here for a limited time only.

Catherine Smith
‘Poetic compression of language, and scrupulous selection of powerful imagery, make these sparkling narratives
small but beautifully formed
jewels of story-telling.’

John Vernon Lord
Front Cover design by eminent V&A Illustrator of the Year 2018, John Vernon Lord, who has produced an original
piece of artwork in response to one of
the stories from the anthology.

Ditchling Barn
A book launch evening to toast the success of STRATA - with short readings from the authors - was held at the beautiful
Ditchling Barn on the village green
on 30th November 2018.