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Inside STRATA - Shadows on the Path

Our second illustrated anthology of short stories will be launched in Ditchling on 16th October 2021. It features twenty-nine short stories from 10 different authors and the stunning illustrations of John Vernon Lord. The anthology will be available from selected Sussex book shops at £6.99 and from our online shop. Subscribe to our newsletter for up to date information.


Here's a sneak preview of what's on offer! 


Celia Berggreen

A Comfortable Silence

The years they had enjoyed together had given rise to many things but not babies. After a while they stopped even talking about it.

Celia Berggreen
Margiad Eckstein


They were all lip gloss, linked arms and gossip, those two, marking their territory with slouched suede bags and tall boyfriends, confident as flags.

Margiad Eckstein

The Death of a Just Man

At breakfast, Maggie fussed around the table, scooping out the papaya seeds, placing a cup of tea near Leela, serving the sambal, all the time tilting her head this way and that, like a mynah bird.
Samantha Munasing

The Dean's Tale

The Dean closed the door and followed his visitor down the hall into the sitting room ... all was peace and blessed quiet – except for the Verger. The Verger was doing storm und drang.
Judith Bruce
Yvonne Hennesy

The Spinster

Chalk Circle Authors Nov 2018_edited.jpg
His face was fair and his smile beguiling but his insistence snagged her soul, like a dropped stitch in a knitted garment.

Yvonne Hennessy
Danielle Sensier

The Natural Order

And nature was brutal. Jack understood that. Loss of life part of the natural order: spiders catching flies, foxes eating eggs, the casual waste of a kamikaze bee-sting.

Danielle Sensier

The Tamarind Tree

Only now can I tell my
story to the air gods as I twist around the cloud laden skies, juggling my thoughts. Only now might they hear me and listen. 

Stuart Condie
Justine Johnstone

Last of the Great White Hunters

She knew about business and love and dealing with enemies, and had a black and white headdress with beads that rattled like rain on a tin roof.

Justine Johnstone


The news seemed so unfamiliar now, global and glaring in its instant, insistent clamor and crisis, full of language and lifestyles he didn’t quite understand.

 Jill Thomson
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