Join Chalk Circle’s Samanthi Munasing and her fellow winning writers at a Zoom launch party for the eighth Bath Short Story Award 2020 anthology, hosted by the BSSA team on Friday 11th December 2020: 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm London time.

The eighth BSSA 2020 anthology was released on December 1st and is available for sale from Ad Hoc Fiction; Amazon in paperback and ebook (Kindle), Bath bookshops; and Waterstones online.

How to join the meeting - to get a link, email
There are twenty-one authors in the anthology, many of whom will be joining the launch to read short extracts from their stories, including all the main prize winners: Marissa Hoffmann, Sharon Telfer, Samanthi Munasing, Stephen Gibbin,
Robin Booth; commended writers: Justine Bothwick and Dan Powell; and shortlisted writers: Kate Coffey, Elizabeth Cook, Paul Dorman, Karen Jones, All Kratz, Hannah Jingwen Lee, Sara Mang, Hilary Key and Harriet Nisbet.
You can read more about these writers on the Winners BSSA 2020 page and shortlisted writers’ page.
The BSSA team, Jude Higgins, Jane Riekemann, Alison Woodhouse and former team member Anna Scheslinger: 'Do come along to hear some great examples of contemporary short fiction by these writers who represent the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Switzerland. The readings will be interspersed with short ‘break out’ groups where you can chat with the writers and with friends and fellow short-story fans. And we are also holding a draw for guests to win a copy of several of our previous anthologies’.
BBSA 2021 Awards
For those of you who are looking for your next writing challenge, the launch party is on the same day as the 2021 Award opens. Chalk Circle Writers wish you luck with your entry/ies!